Technical Details
How the attack works?
During a D(HE)at attack the malicious client initiates cryptographic handshakes pretending if it would support only the ephemeral variant of the finite field Diffie-Hellman key agreement protocol (DHE) triggering key pair generation and shared secret calculation on the server-side. Both operations require the server to perform the compute-intensive modular exponentiation calculations, while the malicious client needing to use any significant computational resources.
Under normal circumstances both parties perform the same operations during the Diffie-Hellman key agreement (public key generation, shared secret calculation) meaning that theoretically the computational cost is the same for the parties. However, in practice, a malicious client can force a server to generate a public key by acting that it would support only the Diffie-Hellman key agreement and would wait for the server’s public key to be sure that server has performed the expensive modular exponentiation, then it terminates the connection. In the case of certain protocols (e.g., TLS < 1.3) an initial cryptographic handshake message is enough to be sent without the client’s public key.
Other protocols or protocol versions (e.g., TLS 1.3, SSH) require the client to send its public key before the server would calculate and its own. In a scenario like this a malicious client can send an arbitrary number, as a public key without performing the modular exponentiation. In the possession of that arbitrary number the performs the shared secret calculation, which means a second modular exponentiation on the server side. However, key agreement is going to fail, the server can realize that just after it has already performed the CPU intensive operations.
How bad is it?
D(HE)at attack is not a cryptographic library implementation issue, which can be fixed by a software update, but a protocol flaw, that exploits the peculiarity of the Diffie-Hellman key agreement, that a malicious client can force a server to do CPU intensive operation(s) without any significant resource (CPU) requirement. It is possible because servers cannot distinguish a randomly chosen (\(A \in \mathbb{Z}_p^*\)) number from the result modular exponentiation (\(A \equiv g^a \bmod p\)) require CPU intensive operations, meaning that the server has no proof-of-work from the client. Additionally, some implementation flaws can seriously determine the effectiveness of the D(HE)at attack.
Long exponent (CVE-2022-40735)
Some cryptographic libraries may use long exponents (\(a\), \(b\)) leading to significantly more expensive calculation of the public keys (\(B \equiv g^b \bmod p\)) than they would use shorter exponents that provide the same security strength (CVE-2022-40735). As the resource requirement of modular exponentiation relates non-linearly to the size of the parameters (\(a\)/\(b\), \(p\)) the larger key sizes can be forced by a malicious client the more significant the attack can be.
Unnecessary validation (CVE-2024-41996)
Parties should validate the order of the peer’s public key to avoid small subgroup confinement attack, according to NIST SP 800-56A Rev 3. performing a modular exponentiation (\(1 \equiv A^{(p-1)/2} \bmod p\) ). However, the special publication of NIST also states that when an approved safe-prime group is used the validation can be skipped. Some cryptographic libraries may always perform the validation independently from group value, allowing an an attacker to trigger expensive modular-exponentiation (CVE-2024-41996) which is as resource intensive as a public key generation using a large exponent.
Large key size by default
Larger parameter sizes (e.g., ffdhe6144 or ffhde8192) enabled by the default configuration of a cryptographic library or an application server can also seriously affect the potential of a D(HE)at attack, as the calculation of a larger public key size requires more resources. For instance, some popular cryptographic libraries enable the largest available parameter (ffdhe8192) size by default in TLS. It carries the risk of a successful DoS attack when application server implementations or configurations do not overwrite the cryptographic library defaults such OpenSSL has.